Princess of the Library

November 18, 2009

Under the Dome

Filed under: Reviews — princessofthelibrary @ 3:27 pm
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I couldn’t get enough of Stephen King’s latest examination of the human species!  I stayed up way too late, nearly was late to work, and begged out on social engagements in the name of getting through this hefty novel.  Coming in at 1074 pages, its nothing to scoff at–Uncle Stevie even makes light of that himself by having a woman who considered being an author concede that if you wrote your 1000 page masterpiece and no one liked it that that would suck.  (I’m paraphrasing here!).

So the plot basically is this, a clear but impenetrable dome comes down on a town in Maine one fine fall Saturday (Dome Day).  Cut off from outside help, resources, and order, the residents begin to self destruct.  Local dirty politician, Big Jim Rennie is right involved in the power plays as he has set himself up to run the figure-head leaders.  What seems an idyllic small town has some major issues going on just under the surface. Living under this dome, where no weather conditions are happening, but the sun is causing it to warm up, while the people there are using up all their resources causes frightened people to go to the extremes.

Think part small-town in a snowglobe, very normal people in an odd situation (I’m reminded of It, here), the human struggle turn Lord of the Flies (think The Mist, as everyone is in the grocery store) with very Ray Bradbury type cultural warnings.  King gives us his usual pop culture references which make the work all the more real, and includes warnings (or at least thought provoking commentary) on social issues such Meth, global warning, free speech, greed, and righteousness.

What’s more is he does it while never giving his Constant Reader any lag time.  From page 1 you are drawn in and the ride never slows down until the end.  How someone can take 1000+ pages and have it all be dramatic is amazing to me.  I wish I had that talent.  There are a ton of people and personalities here but they are so vivid and different (while being someone you KNOW in real life) you aren’t left searching your memory as to what this person has previously done.

One of King’s best in years.  I don’t know that I’d say the BEST ever, but its on my shortlist!

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